
For scientists, by scientists

Navigation & Localization, 2024:2

Integration of rate and phase codes by hippocampal cell-assemblies supports flexible encoding of spatiotemporal context.

2024-10-22, Nature Communications (10.1038/s41467-024-52988-x) (online)
Eleonora Russo, Daniel Durstewitz, Nadine Becker, Aleks P F Domanski, Timothy Howe, Kipp Freud, and Matthew W Jones (?)
Spatial information is encoded by location-dependent hippocampal place cell firing rates and sub-second, rhythmic entrainment of spike times. These rate and temporal codes have primarily been characterized in low-dimensional environments under limited cognitive demands; but how is coding configured in complex environments when individual place cells signal several locations, individual locations contribute to multiple routes and functional demands vary? Quantifying CA1 population dynamics of male rats during a decision-making task, here we show that the phase of individual place cells' spikes relative to the local theta rhythm shifts to differentiate activity in different place fields. Theta phase coding also disambiguates repeated visits to the same location during different routes, particularly preceding spatial decisions. Using unsupervised detection of cell assemblies alongside theoretical simulation, we show that integrating rate and phase coding mechanisms dynamically recruits units to different assemblies, generating spiking sequences that disambiguate episodes of experience and multiplexing spatial information with cognitive context.
Added on Monday, November 11, 2024. Currently included in 1 curations.

Intrinsic dynamics of randomly clustered networks generate place fields and preplay of novel environments.

2024-10-18, eLife (10.7554/eLife.93981) (online)
Jordan Breffle, Hannah Germaine, Justin D. Shin, Shantanu P. Jadhav, and Paul Miller (?)
During both sleep and awake immobility, hippocampal place cells reactivate time-compressed versions of sequences representing recently experienced trajectories in a phenomenon known as replay. Intriguingly, spontaneous sequences can also correspond to forthcoming trajectories in novel environments experienced later, in a phenomenon known as preplay. Here, we present a model showing that sequences of spikes correlated with the place fields underlying spatial trajectories in both previously experienced and future novel environments can arise spontaneously in neural circuits with random, clustered connectivity rather than pre-configured spatial maps. Moreover, the realistic place fields themselves arise in the circuit from minimal, landmark-based inputs. We find that preplay quality depends on the network's balance of cluster isolation and overlap, with optimal preplay occurring in small-world regimes of high clustering yet short path lengths. We validate the results of our model by applying the same place field and preplay analyses to previously published rat hippocampal place cell data. Our results show that clustered recurrent connectivity can generate spontaneous preplay and immediate replay of novel environments. These findings support a framework whereby novel sensory experiences become associated with preexisting "pluripotent" internal neural activity patterns.
Added on Monday, November 11, 2024. Currently included in 1 curations.

Functional networks of inhibitory neurons orchestrate synchrony in the hippocampus.

2024-10-14, PLoS Biology (10.1371/journal.pbio.3002837) (online)
Marco Bocchio, Artem Vorobyev, Sadra Sadeh, Sophie Brustlein, Robin Dard, Susanne Reichinnek, Valentina Emiliani, Agnes Baude, Claudia Clopath, and Rosa Cossart (?)
Inhibitory interneurons are pivotal components of cortical circuits. Beyond providing inhibition, they have been proposed to coordinate the firing of excitatory neurons within cell assemblies. While the roles of specific interneuron subtypes have been extensively studied, their influence on pyramidal cell synchrony in vivo remains elusive. Employing an all-optical approach in mice, we simultaneously recorded hippocampal interneurons and pyramidal cells and probed the network influence of individual interneurons using optogenetics. We demonstrate that CA1 interneurons form a functionally interconnected network that promotes synchrony through disinhibition during awake immobility, while preserving endogenous cell assemblies. Our network model underscores the importance of both cell assemblies and dense, unspecific interneuron connectivity in explaining our experimental findings, suggesting that interneurons may operate not only via division of labor but also through concerted activity.
Added on Monday, November 11, 2024. Currently included in 1 curations.

Navigation & Localization

Curated by Matthijs Dorst, University of Oslo
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Work related to place tuning, spatial navigation, orientation and direction. Mainly includes articles on connectivity in the hippocampus, retrosplenial cortex, and related areas.

There are 84 articles included in this curation.

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